The Cleanse. Day 13: THE LAST SUPER: Back In The Office and Back On The Fight.
Monday. This is the day that soup can be consumed all day long. Finally back on the onto a full day of solids. I woke up at 6:00 and felt amazing. I caught the 6:33 train back home and was in Shimizu by 11:30. The entire day, I felt more awake. I went out looking for supplies for my kids and ended up buying too many supplies for my kitchen. This really isn’t relevant other than the fact that I am beginning to spring forward again. My focus was back. I spent the day cleaning and actually wanted to go for a run pretty bad. I hadn’t felt that way since September. It was a step in the right direction. I had spent so much time cleaning that there was no time for a run but I worked out in the living room for a little while and then went to bed.
The Cleanse Day 14 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning’s End.
Tuesday. The alarm rang at 6:00am. At 6:05 my friend was calling me to be sure I was up. I was. I didn’t want to be because I had gone to bed a short time before but I was up. 6:00am. I threw on some gear. Grabbed my ipod suffle. Stretched. By 6:18, I was out the door, running in near darkness. I was too tired to think, to concentrate on my breathing or let it slow me down. In that moment, I was taking in the lyrics of songs I had heard a million times over and actually hearing them. When you run and you hit that high zone of concentration for some reason, the music in your ears will just resonate. It won’t just push you forward to some beat, the words themselves will transcend from the speakers to your legs. The beat will drive your rhythm but the words will aid in your focus and concentration. Eventually, the words become your personal thoughts. When I run, I can do some of my best thinking. It can clear your head for sure. On this morning, I was there albeit it was a short run. Normally, I would run according to distance and not to time but I wanted to be sure to not get behind this morning. I ran to Sunny Mart, I’m not sure how far that is from my house but by the time I got there it was 6:35 so I went back. I got home, did sit ups and push-ups before showering. Got dressed, packed my bag, and was out the door early for work. I arrive at the office at 8:00am, about 30 minutes early. It felt good to be on target for once, to have gotten the some of the personal things I really want to do in my day done, to have the rest of my day after work open for baking or whatever else I want. Running in the morning is a great motatvatior. It gets the ball rolling. You run off any cranky frustrations and begin the day a little more energized. So needless to say, the cleanse may be over but it’s ending has only kicked my butt into over drive. I don’t just want to be skinny, I want to be in shape/healthy. And happy. All of which takes work!
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