Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Cleanse Day 3 and 4, 1/28-29

           There is not much to say about days 3 and 4.  On day 3, I was exhausted. I woke up feeling shaky. My classes were canceled for the day, due to some sort of flu out break (hence why teachers shouldn't work sick). So I decided to take the morning off. Day 3 is suppose to be the hardest day, the bitch day. But like my last post highlights Japan has made it easy not to feel bitchy about not eating soilds. Day 3 was still a bit of a struggle but mostly because I felt weak, or just exhausted.
            Every morning of the cleanse I am suppose to drink a quart of water mixed with two tablespoons of salt. I have to drink on an empty stomach. Part of me suspects that this is because if I didn't do it on an empty stomach, I would probably throw up.  As it is I can usually only take in 3 of the 4 cups that make up a quart. The point of the water is to cause a movement in the bowls and simply clean the body out, aka  cleanse the body of wastes. Yes, it works. On the 3rd morning, I felt the shakes so bad that is was hard to get down the salt water. It took me two hours, instead of the usual one to get it down. I was grateful for the class cancelations.With the cold weather outside and the cleanse, I was not sure I could have made the walk to the office. Instead I took some time to feel better and read.
               Day 3 was a friday and a friend decided to come visit after work. That was helpful, since for some CRAZY reason they decided to try the cleanse with me. By the time I was suppose to meet them, I was feeling a lot better. We talked about smoothie cravings but the rest of the night was filled with distractions of movies and conversation.

              Day 4, Saturday. This ended up being my bitch day. It wasn`t too bad. I was craving bread and got a bit snippy with my friend. I just wanted bread with vegan butter not that I can have butter in Japan but I wanted it. Cravings were on the rise this day: a small craving for saltin crackers, turned into a peanut butter and saltin cracker craving, which got my friend I talking about peanut butter and choclate bars, which we decided was better than just peanut butter. However, peanut butter with choclate doesn`t go good on a saltin cracker, so the saltin cracker got traded out for a granham cracker. And not just any gramham cracker, a cinmmon sugar granham cracker. Then we decided that the chocolate should be slightly melted and that we should discover some sort of vegan marshmellow because it too belonged melted on our mouthwatering little treat. We may or may not have gone a bit over board. Either way, it still sounds amazing. That was just the morning discussion. Later in the day, we talked about making hummus and pita bread. And dalh. We came up with a number of healthy options to go with it them... like those saltin crackers, which later became the pita bread and so on. I was impressed that we didn`t fall off the deep on this one. But, today, 2 days later, I  can think of a hell of a lot more to do with that hummus!

All in all, Day 3 and 4 passed with some ease. It was a struggle thinking of how many days were left. But during the cleanse days 3 and 4 are the real hump to get over. We just had to remind ourselves that it is a day to day process. To think day to day. To think "I am on day 4, I have made it four days. I can make it to tomorrow." And not to think "I am on day 4 of 10, WHAT THE HELL!?" Glad to be over the hump!!

Cravings: See above!!!
Syptoms: On day 4 started developing a small sore throat. Nose was running ( I wasn`t that upset about this, I`ve always wished it was a little smaller anyways. ;)  Oh God, I just told one of those jokes that reminds me of my father. All well, it shall stay for your amusement of my dorkiness/ ability to laugh at myself).

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