Monday, January 31, 2011

The Cleanse Day 5 1/29 Lazy Picture Day.

Day 5. Sunday.  This had to be the most uneventful day I have spent in Japan so far. I was exhausted. I didn't do anything. Literally, I did nothing. The cleanse requires you to drink 6-12 classes of it's lemonade mixture a day. I drank 3 or 4. I was simply drained. I watched a bunch of movies, I can't tell you which ones because that is how irrelevant they were, and also how bad. Seriously, can I get some better directors and screenwriters up in hollywood?  The amounts unartistic trash that is being mass produced and sold is crazy. But I guess that's what I wanted on day five, unartistic trash. So I suppose, you talentless folks have a market, days like day 5 where all any of us want is unartistic trash. That's when you come in. I suppose I was struggling with what the hell to do with my next year. Stay or go, stay or go. Move to Kochi City and teach/travel or move to Cali, struggle a little but write. At one point NYC was in my equation but somehow it got taken out (long before the cleanse). I guess the truth is I've always wanted to move west and I know it. But I have so much love for NYC, it's inspiring and I almost ended up there for undergraduate school. NYC and home have a lot in common, I want a new place. In any case, I suppose part of my day was spent thinking about what to do and then trying to not to think about what to do, that's when all the unartistic trash comes into play. And my do-nothing sunday played out like a charm.

The cleanse only bothered me when I thought of smoothies or hummus or soup. Other than that, I had the senna leaf tea that is taken every night before bed around 6:30. Hence only 3/4 glasses of the lemonade. I tried to sleep but I couldn't get comfortable. I have too much hip for a futon. I'll explain this further on day 6.

I did however take pictures so. Here are the before and afters as of day five. On day 1 I was at 52kg or 114 lbs, by day 3 I was at 50kg or about 110lbs. I lost 4 lbs in 3 days. By day five it was more but I'm only hopping on the scale once every 3 days... because well I don't believe in them. I believe your body is at a point where you are happy and you feel good regardless of a number. So well scale it out for a cleanse but nothing else.

Pictures: You can see small changes in the body. It's beginning to redefine itself again, become less round.  My curves are redefining themselves so it might be hard to see but while my hips may look bigger on day five it's because my waist has lost a considerable amount. Because I got some of the poses a little off, it's harder to tell the changes. I would guess by day 5 I was about 6 lbs down.  Can't believe I am posting this since it's day 7 and I look so much better. Someone better appreciate it because I hate displaying my body to anyone. Jut not who I am.

BEFORE.                                                                                                                                           AFTER: FIVE DAYS

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