Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Cleanse. Days 11 and 12: Phasing Off The Cleanse.

Day 11: OJ Did It (yeah, I said it)!

Saturday. The day of juice. Today was the first day off the cleanse. This has to be done in phases. If you go straight back to eating solids, you can cause stomachaches and bad reactions alike, so phasing yourself is important.
              Day 11 is a day of orange juice only. OJ is a heavy enough substance to get your stomach use to heavy foods again but light enough to keep you from throwing it all up. When I awake this morning, I was excited to taste something but I waited. I waited until I was actually hungry. This is a change from my rushed mornings when I am eating simply just to eat. Around 11:00, I had my first glass of OJ. My taste buds jumped with it’s strong and new flavor. I could taste every element of the juice, the orange, the sugar, and the pulp. The textures smooth and bumpy textures played war in my month. And the fresh orange burst out, cold and satisfying. It was amazing to taste something new.
               The entire day was bliss and it left me feeling pretty chilled out. Later at night, I attended a jungle themed party. A party I was feeling to tired to attend but I pushed myself. My normally over-retentive-festive-self, decided to sit this dress up opportunity out. Putting my ideas for a panda costume on hold, I went in the comfortable jeans and long sleeve shirt/oversized hoodie I had been wearing the entire day. It felt good, to meet up with friends but not feel the need to “put it all on.”  A chill out night of just talking and joking with people was just what I needed to feel like life in Japan wasn’t a novelty. These friends and faces are more than just a moment and more than just a sometimes occasion group of people. They are real friends that I any version of myself will be noticed with, even the calm quiet version. It’s not that I questioned the validity of their friendships before, it is more that I questioned the many sides of me with them. It was great and by the end of the night I was so tired that nothing could have woken me up in the morning before I was ready to wake. That’s rare for me. The smallest sounds stir me.

Day 12: Scoop the Soup! A Day of OJ and Soup.

Sunday. SOUP DAY!  This is pretty much the last day of the cleanse. The entire day was spent making a veggie soup from scratch. The entire day was laid back.
                   Morning: Fresh squeezed OJ. I have never had this before and let me tell you I wish it wasn’t so expensive. I want it every day.
                       Afternoon: OJ for consumption. Then it was a slow day of cooking soup, doing some errands and playing a bunch of rounds of rummy (possibly my favorite card game ever. I kicked ass by the way. Well second round at least).
                      Night: SOUP! Mostly broth. At around 4:00 we ate the freshly made soup. OH GOD how good it was. I can’t believe how good it still is. It dancing in my month, and it’s flavors lingered there for hours as it sat in my belly.
                      THE SOUP: Flavored with a veggie billion cube, salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. That’s it. The natural components of veggies added to the flavor. We used: carrots, 3 types of white potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, red peppers, and brown rice.
                          It was divine. The natural flavors of veggies danced around on my tongue like it was a festive party for cinco de mayo. My taste buds were in for an awaking, a treat. The cabbaged had sweetened the pot, while the broccoli made the broth frothy and strong, the brown rice thickened the entire texture and the potatoes added just the right amount of soft salty kick. I had three tiny bowls of this spread out through the night. Great way to end the cleanse.

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